We are launching a green respiratory care and inhaler clinical champion scheme to improve awareness of the potential to reduce the NHS carbon footprint through low carbon inhaler use in both primary…
PLEASE SHARE with podiatry and other AHP students - an invitation to AHP Students to take part ina survey collecting views, experience and attitudes of AHP students about environmental…
This week's "Inside Health" on BBC Radio 4 devoted half the programme to the climate impact of MDI inhalers, and the potental benefits (envrinomental and clinical) of switching inhalers. A great…
Hello, thank you for visiting Podiatry Susnet
This is a new network. We hope that it will develop into an exciting network of clinicians, researchers, educators and students who are interested in…
The Canadian Federation of Medical Students Health and Environment Adaptive Reponse Task Force recently released this report:
CFMS HEART: National Report on Planetary Health Education…
Dear Colleague,
We are organising a national audit sustainable respiratory care project and we would like to invite you to collaborate. All of the information is in the attached pdf project plan…
Here’s a very short but useful article about oxygen waste from turning the flow all the way up to the top (past 15 l/min) which is commonly done:
Arora, N. et al. 2021. Delivery of oxygen by…