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Showing 91 - 96 of 96 results

Dentists come out in support of sugar tax

Created on
27 Jan 2016
Frances Mortimer
Interesting to see that the Faculty of General Dental Practice (UK) is backing calls for sugary drinks to be taxed - a good example of health professionals as advocates for preventative…

Sustainable Procurement

Created on
1 Jun 2015
Sam Shah
This financial year has resulted in a range of dental services being re-procured across the country but it’s debatable how much the procurement teams understand about sustainable dentistry and…

University of Plymouth doing more than just switching off the lights - See the work they are doing in nursing and dentistry

Created on
24 May 2015
Brett Duane
I was reminded today by a colleague of the "People and Planet" top university score which can be foundhere. The press release states that "Over the last 5 years, Plymouth have set the bar as the…

Welcome to Dental Susnet - Get Sustainable with Us!!

Created on
24 May 2015
Brett Duane
Welcome to Dental Susnet - Thanks for checking in! We believethis is the first sustainability network within dentistry,certainly in the UK, but we would love to hear from other networks too! This…

Welcome to Dental Susnet- Get Sustainable with us!!

Created on
24 May 2015
Brett Duane
Welcome to Dental Susnet- Thanks for checking in! We believethis is the first Sustainability network within dentistrycertainly in the UK but we would love to hear from other networks too!This network…

Helping people achieve a healthy diet may not only help their oral health....

Created on
14 May 2015
Brett Duane
Delivering better oral health suggests that for all adults and children we should "maintain good dietary practices in line with The Balance of Good Health." This is another example which demonstrates…