
Sample syllabi and teaching resources

Stefi  Barna
Stefi Barna • 8 December 2020

New teaching resources from Health Care Without Harm are available here:…

And I've summarised the Learning Outcomes in the attached document.

You may also be interested to compare it to our priority learning outcomes

and with this article "Teaching About Climate Change in Medical Education: An Opportunity" Janie Maxwell and Grant Blashki  J Public Health Res. 2016 Apr 26; 5(1): 673. doi: 10.4081/jphr.2016.673

Sample learning objectives for climate change and health.

Eco-health literacy Outline the reliance of human health on local and global ecosystems;,, Describe features of a healthy natural, social and built environment; Identify populations where social and environmental determinants of health may interact to amplify risk; Incorporate knowledge of eco-health and planetary boundaries to justify priorities that promote both health and sustainability; Articulate an appreciation of the importance of sustainability to global health equity
Clinical climate change preparedness Describe the mechanisms of direct, indirect, deferred and diffuse climate health risks;,, Demonstrate competence in diagnosis and management of climate-sensitive and climate-induced illness;,, Describe inter-sectoral collaboration to promote climate-change preparedness and emergency management;, Role-play consultations involving the prevention of climate-related illness and promotion of co-benefits of climate change mitigation; Identify resources for continuing professional education and evidence-based practice of climate-related illness,
Sustainable health systems Define sustainability; Explain how shifts in climate, natural resources, technology, economy and demography may affect the provision of healthcare in the future; Apply systems thinking and multidisciplinary perspectives to develop strategies to promote health service sustainability; Demonstrate a commitment to practice medicine sustainably and ethically,
Professionalism and public health literacy Apply principles of active citizenship and professionalism to discuss doctors’ responsibility to engage in advocacy and policy; Acknowledge the ethical tensions in climate change contribution and vulnerability; Apply critical appraisal and science communication skills to describe climate health risks; Articulate a commitment to resolving local and global health inequities
Resource publication date
December 2020

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