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Responsibility and waste; a waste of time?

Created on
7 Nov 2013
Admin *
Where do our responsibilities as clinicians begin and end? We all agree that, as clinicians, we are responsible for providing high quality assessments and management plans for our patients. I think we…

Notes from the Green Nephrology Summit 2013

Created on
31 Oct 2013
Frances Mortimer
42 people gathered for this year's Green Nephrology Summit, held at Guy's Hospital in London on 25th September. Once again, we were a good mix of clinicians (docs, nurses, physios), technicians,…

Sustainable mental health in action

Created on
22 Oct 2013
Admin *
The Guardian reports on how a website is helping those with mental illness rebuild their lives. This website is called'Connect and Do'. It helps users to connect with other people, do something fun,…

web-based consultations for chronic kidney disease

Created on
11 Oct 2013
Admin *
This doesn't look as good as the system pioneered in Bradford, but it's still good that other centres are looking at e-consultations to reduce the number of patients with CKD who are required to…

SBRI competition: technology-based solutions for patient empowerment and sustainability in kidney care

Created on
9 Oct 2013
Frances Mortimer
The Department of Health and the National Institute for Health Research Devices for Dignity Healthcare Technology Co-operative (NIHR D4D HTC) are collaborating to launch a new Small Business Research…

Sustainability strategy for Royal Colleges and Deaneries

Created on
9 Oct 2013
Admin *
Sustainability fellows are working to identify a variety of potential approaches that Deaneries and Colleges could take depending on their level of commitment to sustainability. An example of an…

CleanMed Europe 2013 accelerates the push towards a sustainable European healthcare system

Created on
9 Oct 2013
Rachel Stancliffe
The fourth CleanMed Europe conference, Europe’s leading conference on the intersection between environmental sustainability and healthcare, took place last month, organised by the Centre for…

Sustainable models of care at CleanMed

Created on
9 Oct 2013
Admin *
The focus at CleanMedwas different each day, with the first day focusing on ‘making the exceptional normal’. This was about different types of technological innovations that can reduce both financial…

Some Questions for the NKF Conference 2013

Created on
2 Oct 2013
William Beale
Five questions to ask for sustainability issues. Garbage Is the waste separated so that only dangerous red waste is sent for incineration and the rest separated for recycling? This can be a…

Bradford and Bristol Royal share the 2013 Green Nephrology Award

Created on
26 Sep 2013
Frances Mortimer
The 2013 Green Nephrology Award (for sustainability initiatives in kidney units) went to joint winners, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children and Bradford Teaching Hospitals. Both kidney units…