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Consultation on Health Workforce action on social determinants of health

Created on
13 Apr 2012
Frances Mortimer
The Institute of Health Equity (IHE) is consulting on a draft report exploring actions the Health Workforce can take to positively influence the social determinants of health and tackle health…

Climate Change and Health report

Created on
12 Apr 2012
Mark Rhodes
A little while ago GlaxoSmithKline funded a joint study with the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, University of Oxford and Accenture. The outcome was a report entitled "Climate Change…

Intercare - sending unused medicines to Africa

Created on
11 Apr 2012
Annie Elkins
All details can be found on the website (what they will and will not take, how to register etc) arrange collection.The medicines need to have…

Waiting Room Resources

Created on
11 Apr 2012
Annie Elkins
I have recently established a display board for patients in my GP surgery waiting room explaining about Sustainability and its relevance to health. The display has ideas for how individuals can become…

Call for papers- special issue of journal WORK focusing on green ergonomics

Created on
9 Apr 2012
Julie Dorsey
We are pleased to announce the upcoming special issue of the journal WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation (IOS Press) which will focus exclusively on Green Ergonomics,…

Recycling, but what about Reduce & Reuse

Created on
4 Apr 2012
Mark Scarfe
After sucessfully launching a recycling scheme in 34 theatres, across 3 theatre suites, we've got a motivated multidisciplinary group who would like to do more. Does anyone have any success (or…

Anyone interested to respond to article in AoME journal?

Created on
30 Mar 2012
Stefi Barna
Dear SHE colleagues,The Academy of Medical Educators is putting out an online members' journal called Excellence in Medical Education.In the first (open source) edition - see below for link - there is…

The BMJ highlights the issues of Sustainability

Created on
28 Mar 2012
Sally Aston
What with Climate Change week recently and NHS Sustanability Day today the BMJ highlighted Sustainbility in last weeks BMJ (published March 19th) with a series of excellent articles.Why not have a…

Greener living; OT's in learning disability services

Created on
28 Mar 2012
Alex Molland
Hi all,Here is a link to the COT's specialist section on learning disabilities, they are calling on OT's to produce an audit tool that service users can use to evaluate their own living space. This…

Medical student reports on Whittington Hospital Green Week

Created on
28 Mar 2012
Emily Clark
Now that the much-feared medical finals are out the way, done and dusted, I have an opportunity to venture into pastures new and spend some time in the form of a Special Studies Module discovering…