The Sustainable Healthcare Education (SHE) network was begun in June 2009 by a group of clinicians, academics and students interested in supporting the goals of NHS Carbon Reduction Strategy (2009) by…
This second year SSC allowed students to form groups and work on a project to communicate health and sustainability issues to a specific population of their choice.
These examples are from groups…
We ran a 5 week SSC for medical students May - June 2011. It was a full time SSC where the majority of time was spent on group project work and for three hours per week students attended tutorials…
These lesson plans and slides were developed by members of the SHE Network in 2010 to support teaching of the Sustainable Healthcare Education learning objectives. Elements of the package were then…
View the case studies online here.
Eight medical schools in England joined the national network of Public Health Educators at Medical Schools (PHEMS) “Climate change and the Determinants of Health…