Rethinealth professions’ education leadership: Developing ‘eco-ethical’ leaders for a more sustainable world and future
Judy McKimm & Michelle McLean
In this commentary, we…
3rd year medical students at Sheffield University have a student self selected placement in social accountability, which focusses on the social determinants of health. I wrote a proposal for students…
This toolkit gives you everything you need for a 1 minute, 5 minute and even more minute conversation, complete with step-by-step guides, behavioural change insights and all the evidence to back it…
This Canadian article differentiates between 'ecological' and ‘environmental’ determinants of health. It proposes more attention to ecosystems as foundational to human health and recognizes climate…
Newly qualified midwives will now be required to know about sustainable healthcare.The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) has included sustainable healthcare in itsnew Standards of Proficiency…
Planetary health and primary care: what’s the emergency?
Terry Kemple
British Journal of General Practice 2019; 69 (688): 536-537. DOI:
"In 30…
Environmental competencies for healthcare educators and trainees: A scoping review
Gillian Parker, Whitney Berta, Christine Shea, Fiona Miller
Health Education Journal, Nov 11,…
An open-accessrecording of this webinar from September 2019is now available via the AMEE website.
Presenters:Dr SanYuMay Tun, Imperial College London UK & Dr Frances Mortimer, Centre for…
Another useful video for starting a conversation on Sustainable Healthcare Education Learning Outcome 3: Discuss the duty of a doctor to protect and promote health in a time of global environmental…
Health Care Without Harm and the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments partnered on the “Nurses Climate Challenge” with the aim of nurses educating 5,000 health professionals on climate and…