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A link to a PrescQIPP web page. On the web page, there are inhaler carbon emissions data for each inhaler, as well as other resources to support low carbon inhaler prescribing. For example, an inhaler…
In our latest sharing event, we had a presentation on plastics and the food system from 2 researchers at LSHTM. This is an article they wrote which covers a lot of information on plastic pollution and…
Telehealth patient consultation guidelines and training.
Framework to guide Allied Health Professional telehealth patient consultation guidelines and training
Different aspects of climate change may affect mental health through direct and indirect pathways, leading to serious mental health problems, possibly including increased suicide mortality. We propose…
Created on
9 Jul 2024 •
Helen Louise Berry, Kathryn Bowen and Tord kjellstrom
Excellent resource on the impact of waste associated with medical education and how part of the waste can be re-used in other sessions, therefore greatly reducing the impact on the environment
Created on
16 Aug 2023 •
Wesam Alyeddin a, Sarah Peters b, Adrianna Aleksandra Zembrzycka c, Laura Hudson b, SanYuMay Tun
Open access article
'The upscale of surgical service delivery in low to middle income countries will increase health sector greenhouse gas emissions globally. Understanding surgical greenhouse gas…
Open access article
Abstract: GI endoscopy is highly resource-intensive with a significant contribution to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and waste generation. Sustainable endoscopy in the context…
Publication in Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology
There is a bidirectional relationship between climate change and health care. Climate change threatens public health, and…
I considered combining two of my favourite subjects- HIV treatment & prevention with Sustainability.
Although not immediately apparent, the connections are evident because if the patients progress…
Created on
10 Jul 2023 •
Peter Godfrey-Faussett ,Luisa Frescura,Quarraisha Abdool Karim,Michaela Clayton,Peter D. Ghys