SusQI project completed as part of The Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS FT Green Team Competitionfrom September - December 2022.
Setting/Patient Group: Emergency and Orthopaedic Theatres
Project completed as part of the 2021 Green Surgery Challenge.
Setting/Patient Group: Operating theatre
Issue to be addressed:
Appendicectomy remains the most performed acute general…
Project completed as part of the Swansea Bay University Health Board Green Team competition (October - December 2022).
Setting/Patient Group: Operating theatres
Issue to be…
Publication in Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology
There is a bidirectional relationship between climate change and health care. Climate change threatens public health, and…
SusQI project completed as part of TheChristie Green Team Competitionfrom September to December 2022.
Setting/Patient Group: Trust-wide
Issue to be addressed:
Nitrous oxide (N2O) accounts…
SusQI project completed as part of TheChristie Green Team Competitionfrom September to December 2022.
Setting/Patient Group: Trust-wide
Issue to be addressed:
Surgical list delays and…
Project completed as part of the Northampton Green Team Competition 2022.
Setting/Patient Group: Trust-wide
Issue to be addressed:
Personal protective equipment (PPE) use increased over…
This article aims for readers to be able to:
Outline the importance of the biosphere and its constituent parts.
Describe the impact of pollution and climate change on each other and on the…
Publication:Operating room waste management: A case study of primary hip operations at a leading National Health Service hospital in the United Kingdom - Melissa Pegg, Rebecca Rawson, Uchechukwu…