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Showing 1151 - 1160 of 2215 results

zero-waste theatres

Created on
5 Apr 2021
Amelia Pickard
Hi all, I am a paediatric anaesthetist in Bristol and am keen to do what I can to reduce the environmental impact if healthcare. I am the clinical representative on our Trust Sustainable…

New sustainable dentistry course!

Created on
23 Mar 2021
Vivien De Greef
This three-part, twelve-hour course offers an overview of the relationship between dentistry and the climate and ecological crises, and prepares dental teams to become more sustainable healthcare…

Congratulations to Pip on winning JASME prize for SusQI education!

Created on
22 Mar 2021
Frances Mortimer
Huge congratulations to Philippa Cleryfor winning the JASMEFoundation Innovation Prize 2021 for her submission on Sustainability in Quality Improvement (SusQIeducation)! TheJunior Association for…

Royal Surrey ICU introduces recycling bins

Created on
11 Mar 2021
Heather Baid
Royal Surrey ICU now has recycling bins for all of their clinical areas - great photo by Cath Cooper and colleagues: Anyone else doing…

Help: carbon footprint of medical oxygen?

Created on
10 Mar 2021
Laura-Jane Smith
Hi network, I'm supervising an inpatientoxygen presribing QIP. I'd really like to try to motivate people into good oxygen use using a sustainability framework. I am struggling to work out how to…

Request for single best answer questions

Created on
5 Mar 2021
Tamsin Ellis
Hi, I have had a query from Sze who has founded an organisation called 'Plabable' which caters for doctors sitting the PLAB exam (an exam for international doctors who want to practice…

Call for Authors

Created on
4 Mar 2021
Stefi Barna
This new article "Training Clinical And Public Health Leaders In Climate And Health" in the journal Health Affairs offers an excellent roundup of the state of education and training on climate and…

Integrating planetary health & sustainability into medical school curriculum

Created on
2 Mar 2021
Vasandhara Thoroughgood
I would like to support my local medical school with introducing planetary health into the curriculum and would be interested to hear of anyone elses's experience of doing this, especially in terms of…

Green Space and Health: Exposure to green space in childhood and the risk of developing psychiatric disorders - A study from Denmark

Created on
28 Feb 2021
Nian Li
I enjoyed this article this month, which may be familiar to some of you already interested in this topic: Published a few years ago now, this is a large…

Exposure to green space in childhood and the risk of developing psychiatric disorders - A study from Denmark

Created on
28 Feb 2021
Nian Li
I enjoyed this article this month, which may be familiar to some of you already interested in this topic: Published a few years ago now, this is a large…