Is the cost of treating and disposing infectious waste a challenge in the UK? Is it processed at the hospital or picked up by a 3rd party and processed?
SHARE is a free online conference co-hosted by the University of Brighton School of Sport and Health Sciences, Brighton and Sussex Medical School and the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare.
TheCanadian Society of Clinical Chemistshas released the followingten new recommendations of tests, treatments or procedures to question in clinical biochemistry:
Don’t order HFE-related…
The video recording from the Dec 2023 Critical Care Sustainability Network Sustainable PPE-Gloves Off in Critical Care session is now available, along with the slides and gloves poster/audit…
Are you a digital health innovator or an established supplierlooking to align with upcoming NHS sustainability requirements in April 2024? The Digital Health.London team is organising a free half-day…
The RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch took place this weekend, with over 5 million birds counted so far.There’s still time to get involved with service users or colleagues and tell the RSPB what birds you see…
Apply now!
Full-time post – 37.5 hours per week
Salary: £39,500 per annum
Fixed term position until 31 December 2027
Home-based with monthly travel to Oxford and occasional travel within…
Critical Care Susnet Networking event
8 Feb 2024 2pm-3pm
Registration here
Theme - critical care sustainability fellowships.
Rhea Conn, Imogen Stringer and James Dalton will share…
The UK Health Alliance on Climate Change (UKHACC) have launched an urgent campaign for health care professionals to write to MPs about blocking new oil and gas licenses - but it needs to be ASAP! The…