These 15/20 minute entry-level podcasts recorded in February 2017 look at what we know about the way in which climate change affects health and the steps we can take. Both are interviews with Dr Aaron…
On 2nd March CSH and the Ecosystems Knowledge Network delivered a Valuing Nature Programme event to ensure that tools and methods are available to demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of addressing…
The first of these World Health Organisation reports, Inheriting the World, was published in 2004. This is new edition, Inheriting a Sustainable World, is a more detailed look at this fundamental area…
The National Institute for Health and CareExcellence (NICE)is looking to recruit experts on indoor air pollution to join their Public Health committee and develop a guideline on indoor air…
Dartford and Gravesham's second Green Ward Competition will be launched on NHS Sustainability Day. With the support of CSH clinical staff, teams will develop their own approaches to resource efficient…
The Department of Health and eight major health organisations have stated their organisational commitments to deliver a socially and environmentally sustainable health and care system.
This isn't widely available but GSK have given it to me so I'm sharing it. It shows the carbon-trust-certified carbon footprint of their inhalers.
Headline figures are:
30 days of seretide 250…
On the 24th October 2016 the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges brought out a report called Choosing Wisely . It was inspired by a world-wide initiative to encourage greater communication between…
This week the High Court found the government's action on air quality to be inadequate. In the second successful case against the government in two years brought by the legal charity Client Earth, the…