Planetary Health Journal Club
This is a great example from Australia of a journal club that is exploring sustainability and health.
They have a topic each week and share resources related to the…
UK health services are currently unprepared for the risks posed by climate change, warns a major newhealth alliancelaunching today. In an unprecedented move, the heads of the UK’s leading health…
Very pleased that the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges has included my "Talking Point" on Sustainability and Quality in their new report on QI training (published 21 March).
You can find the…
The health sector is over the first hurdle in the race to reach carbon reduction targets and help limit the effects of climate change.
A report from the Sustainable Development Unit shows the NHS…
Here is a good news story from the UEA team - our abstract has been accepted by the Academy of Medical Educators, and we will be presenting at theAnnual Meeting on 7 April in London. More details on…
Last year we asked for your thoughts and opinions about our planned MSc course. I am delighted to tell you that the course is now fully approved and is open for applications for September 2016. The…
In 2013/14 NUS and Bristol University worked together to create a deliver a student-selected component called Sustainable Healthcare to 2nd year medics. This is a case study of what we did, what we…
What do tomorrow’s doctors need to learn about ecosystems? – A BEME Systematic Review: BEME Guide No. 36
Walpole, Pearson, Barna, Coad
Publication just out in Medical…
Call for papers and posters:
The symposium aims to present the diversity of sustainable practices within health and social care settings and to inspire change towards more sustainable practices. We…