I share with you a recently published article with reflections on the need for health services and professionals implement sustainable actions. I hope you appreciate!
NHSE working with the Health Innovation North West Coast and Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust have developed a reproducible process for hospitals to rationalise surgical sets, reducing carbon intensive…
In celebration of AHPs day 2023, do check out this NHS England blog where we've highlighted the pivotal role AHPs are playing in the green agenda, with signposting to just a handful of the great case…
The European Society of Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care (ESPNIC) have a study to investigateWorldwide Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of healthcare professionals in Pediatric Intensive Care…
The CQC Medicines Optimisation Team has secured funding for research to drive innovation and accelerate improvement in medicines sustainability. This project will deliver a suite of products to…
The Scottish Paediatric Society Prize for Research related to the Effect of Climate Change on Children and Young People.
Climate change is a major risk for the future to children and young…
Hello everyone
Just see HCPC has published their own sustainability statement after their consultation earlier this year. See it on their website.
An encouraging step and we shall all keep a…
The Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) has today published a Sustainability Statement, setting out its commitments to becoming an environmentally sustainable regulator and the actions it plans…
From Tuesday 12 September to Tuesday 14th November applications for Churchill Fellowships(to be undertaken between August 2024 – July 2025) are…
Sharing an exciting opportunity to work as a clinic fellow with the RCPCH in partnership with the Clean Air Fund on their climate change work. Job description below.
It is open to trainees ST3 and…