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Showing 811 - 820 of 2215 results

Nomination for Nursing Times award for Climate Work

Created on
8 Sep 2022
Kate Crossland
We are delighted to share that a key member of our network, Angela Hayes, has been short-listed for a Nursing Times Award. The category of the award is 'best social responsibility programme'. This…

EFLM Green Labs Taskforce publish guidelines for Green and Sustainable Labs

Created on
6 Sep 2022
Sheri Scott
Dear All As a core member of the EFLM green lab taskforce,I am excited to share the publication of the first edition ofEFLM Guidelines for Green and Sustainable Laboratories. The mission…

Online Nursing and Midwifery Sustainability Conference - 11th October 2022

Created on
30 Aug 2022
Emma Pascale Blakey
Find out more about this 5 nations conference in partnership with NHS England and the Royal College of Nursing: Sustainability Nursing Conference | Events | Royal College of Nursing…

NHS Walking Aid Return and Reuse Communications Pack 2022 | Launch

Created on
25 Aug 2022
Yohannah Caussyram
Dear all, National Recycle Week (19-25 September)is 4 weeks away!Participating in this week of activity is a fantastic opportunity to start or boost Walking AidReturn and Reuse schemes. Is your…

UKKA sustainable kidney care scholars' programme - funded places still available

Created on
25 Aug 2022
Catherine Floyd
Do you want to develop a new project idea for your unit which would improve both patient care and environmental sustainability? Funding has now been secured for on-line training and…

Has anyone had success introducing mixed recycling in theatre / anaesthetic rooms / ICU?

Created on
25 Aug 2022
Becca Elson
Hi all, Our anaesthetic and intensive care teams are keen to introduce mixed recycling bins for all our packaging waste as there's currently a lot of paper and plastic that needn't be sent to…

call for innovations to both reduce carbon emissions and drive improvements in care for patients

Created on
25 Aug 2022
Katie Harwood
SBRI Healthcare, which is an Accelerated Access Collaborative initiative, in partnership with Greener NHS and the AHSN Network, have launched a new call for innovations to both reduce carbon emissions…

Does anyone have experience of implementing sustainability into dental education?

Created on
24 Aug 2022
Jenny Girdler
Hi everyone! I am a dentist taking a year out of Oral Surgery specialty training to undertake a fellowship with the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare through the HEE Yorkshire and Humber Future…

Does anyone have experience of implementing sustainability into dental education?

Created on
24 Aug 2022
Jenny Girdler
Hi everyone! I am a dentist taking a year out of Oral Surgery specialty training to undertake a fellowship with the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare through the HEE Yorkshire and Humber Future…

Request NHS Forest trees for your healthcare site

Created on
22 Aug 2022
Miriam Dobson
Each year, the NHS Forest gives away thousands of saplings to healthcare sites across the UK. We are now inviting sites to register their interest in receiving trees for the 2022-23 planting season,…