The Chief AHP Officer is working with AHP professional bodies to identify the top actionable carbon reduction interventions for each AHP profession, which will support them to focus activity on areas…
Hi allThought I’d post this link to a recent article from the Arts in Psychotherapy journal written by Heather McLaughlin and Deborah Seabrook, discussing intentional engagement with the climate…
Hello everyone,
CSH are leading on a project with Natural England and NHS England to create a comprehensive resource repository on nature recovery and biodiversity accessible to all in the…
The mental health charity Mind are developing resources to support those of us feeling the impacts of climate change on our mental health. They are currently conducting a survey where respondents can…
It's National Tree week, and we thought we would start our week by learning how one of thefirst NHS Forest woodlands is doing- 15 years later!
Before and after – Tickhill woodland 15 years…
The UK Health Alliance on Climate ChangeUK Health Alliance on Climate Changerepresents over 1 million people in 49 healthcare organisations, professional bodies and coalitions.
Why should your…
The next Art, Drama and Music Therapies Susnet Event will be held on Thursday 14th November from 7pm to 8pm. Guest speakers Emily Sheppard & Rebekah Price will bepresenting the findings of a small…
Five years ago, my late father was in hospital for over a month following a severe stroke. After visiting him I used to head down the corridor to a cafe which was adjacent to a lovely garden (although…
New to the community and my role as greenspaces coordinator at NBT.
Would love any advice or tips on how we can embed our biodiversity plans into our PFI grounds and maintenance contracts. Any big…