Almost all the articles and resources in the SHE Network so far have been about medical student teaching. Does anyone know what's going on in nursing courses and for the other health professions?
Two final year medical students in Oxford took part in a two-week special study module (SSM) on “Sustainable Healthcare” in 2011-12. The students each chose to focus on one of thefour dimensions of…
Some of you have asked whether you can donate money to help our work. We have always accepted cheques, but The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare (CSH) has now signed up to Just Giving to make it…
Many of you are probably already aware, but there are lots of articles on sustainability issues in this month's Anaesthesia & Analgesia - see:
See the new 'Just Giving' link from the network website through which people can make a donation to the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare. You can make a regular or one off donation. Please let your…