Critical Care Sustainability Network
Sustainable PPE – Gloves Off in Critical Care
Tues 12 Dec 2023 12:30-13:30 GMT
Online - free to attend - Zoom registration
The next Critical Care Sustainability Network meeting will focus on sustainable use of gloves in critical care, including new resources from the Intensive Care Society:
Gloves Off in Critical Care Implementation Guide
The discussion will include:
- Environmental and ethical issues around gloves
- When/why gloves are and are not needed
- Gloves Off in critical care experiences
Graham Pike - Associate Director of Nursing & IPC, Clinical Sustainability Lead, Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Jennie Wilson - Professor Healthcare Epidemiology, University of West London
Sam Clark - Registrar Intensive Care Medicine, Advanced Clinical Fellow, Co-Chair Sustainability and Innovation in Intensive Care Network Chesire and Mersey, Workstream lead for PPE Environmental Sustainability Working Group
All are welcome, including those with critical care or other healthcare backgrounds. The Critical Care Sustainability Network is hosted by the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare and endorsed by the British Association of Critical Care Nurses and Intensive Care Society.
Will this webinar be available to access after the event? I may be unable to attend at this time, but would appreciate having access to the webinar. Many thanks.
We are checking with speakers to gain consent for recording. Assuming all approve, yes, a recording of this Gloves Off in Critica Care session will be available afterwards.
Here is the recording from the last presentation by Nicole Hunfeld on a materials flow analysis and carbon hotspot identification in critical care
Many thanks Heather
Link to the recordings and resources from this Gloves off in Critical Care:…
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