We are pleased to announce the launch of our new web-site, listing news, views, events and resources for anyone interested in greener healthcare. Please register to subscribe to our newsletter and…
Three people from the Campaign for Greener Healthcare attended the launch of the NHSCarbon Reduction Strategy on 27th January. Frances Mortimer, Medical Director for the Campaign said "The launch…
The Carbon Reduction Stragtegy 'Saving Carbon, Improving Health', developed by the Sustainable Development Unit (SDU) of the NHS was launched last Tuesday, 27th January 2009 by the NHS Chief Executive…
We are very excited to be working with Westminster Primary Care Trust to help impliment the NHS Good Corporate Citizen model. The project will start with an audit of current practices and following a…
‘The Age Of Stupid’ is the new cinema documentary from the Director of ‘McLibel’ and the Producer of the Oscar-winning ‘One Day In September’. This enormously ambitious drama-documentary-animation…
By starting to make simple, practical changes in practice, OTs in all their settings can make a telling contribution to carbon reduction in health and social care and beyond. You could joinOT…