Project completed as part of the National Green Maternity Challenge 2024-25 by the Norfolk & Norwich University Hospitals NHS FT (NNUHFT) team.Reducing the impact of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy -…
Project completed as part of the National Green Maternity Challenge 2024-25 by the South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation TrustImproving perinatal pelvic health outcomes by increasing uptake of…
Created on
3 Mar 2025 •
Jennifer Prescot, Perineal Specialist Midwife, Warwick Hospital
Project completed as part of the National 2024-25 Green Maternity Challenge by the Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust team.Team members:· Zoe Daggatt-Powrie, Clinical Sustainability Fellow·…
Hospital services and care pathways have a large climate impact. Quantifying the carbon footprint and identifying hotspots enables targeted and prioritized mitigation efforts. Even for similar…
This report aims to calculate and analyze the carbon footprint of 17 of the most common dental procedures, and to indentify types of service which are responsible for large amounts of greenhouse gas…
The article proposes some ways in which carbon footprints can be used to inform strategy for sustainable healthcare and highlights areas to apply caution.
Created on
11 Oct 2024 •
Chantelle Rizan, Cassandra Thiel, and Mahmood F Bhutta
Case study submitted as part of Lancet Commission call for case studies.
Team members / location: USA
Issue: US and UK estimates show the supply chain to cause the majority of emissions from…