A team from Spain have published a method to establish the material composition of commonly used endoscopic accessories and then used life cycle assessment methodology to quantify the carbon footprint…
Created on
16 May 2023 •
López-Muñoz P, Martín-Cabezuelo R, Lorenzo-Zúñiga V, et al
A project I did back in 2019/2020 looking at staff attitudes to sustainability at University Hospital Southampton.
Over 1,100 responses.
Mix of scale answer questions with some free text options…
SusQI project completed as part of the Hywel Dda University Health Board Green Team Competition from September 2022-January 2023.
The NHS Wales Decarbonisation Strategic Delivery Plan, launched…
This case study was completed as part of the Hywel Dda University Health Board Green Team Competition from September 2022-January 2023 by the Endoscopy Team.
Team Members:Sr Emilia Wronska,…
SusQI project completed as part of The Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS FT Green Team Competitionfrom September - December 2022 by the Home Enteral Feeding Team (HEFT).
The HEFT were announced…
Created on
17 Mar 2023 •
Sarah Williams, HEFT Manager and Dietitian Training Lead and Laura-Marie Baldwin, Lead Specialist HEFT Dietitian
New paper launched in conjunction with the new HealthcareLCA database. Paper discusses the new open-access database, methods and everything known about life cycle assessments (LCA's) in healthcare so…
Launch of a new Healthcare LCA Database, an up-to-date repository of published life cycle assessements within healthcare.
'HealthcareLCA brings together environmental assessments of health systems,…
Project completed as part of the Northampton Green Team Competition 2022.
Setting/Patient Group: Trust-wide
Issue to be addressed:
Personal protective equipment (PPE) use increased over…
The purpose of this document is to provide further details on the methods used when producing the Department for Transport’s journey emission comparisons, and facilitate others in generating their own…