Project completed as part of the 2021 Green Team Competition.
Setting/Patient Group: Operating theatres
Issue to be addressed:
Approximately 23% of carbon emissions from surgery are due…
Increasing UV radiation exposure, rising air pollution and warmer drier conditions pose a greater risk to human eye health. Climate change, caused by rising Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, can…
This study measured the total quantity and composition of waste generated in a large, New York City (NYC) hospital kitchen over a one-day period to assess the impact of potential waste diversion…
The biopsy process at a large academic pathology laboratory was grouped into steps. Each supply and reagent was catalogued and postuse treatment noted. Energy consumption was estimated for capital…
Ninety-eight procedures were performed on 97 patients. The most commonly performed procedures were drainages (30), placement and removal of venous access (21), and computed tomography-guided biopsies…
This study uses hybrid environmental life cycle assessment (LCA) to quantify average emissions associated with resource use in an acute inpatient unit with 49 beds and 14,427 hospitalization days and…
'Health care itself contributes to climate change. Anesthesia is a “carbon hotspot,” yet few data exist to compare anesthetic choices. The authors examined the carbon dioxide equivalent emissions…
Study comparing an acute care unit with an intensive care unit in the US:
"An acute care unit generates 5.5kg of solid waste and 45kg CO2-e per hospitalization day. The ICU generates 7.1kg of solid…
Created on
7 Dec 2021 •
Prasad, P. A., Joshi, D., Lighter, J., Agins, J., Allen, R., Collins, M., Pena, F., Velletri, J., & Thiel, C.
This is a free online non-clinical carbon footprint calculator for General Practices in the UK to use. The calculator measures and identifies the non-clinical greenhouse gas emission hotspots from…
*2022 UPDATE - IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR THE UPDATED VERSION OF THIS TOOL FOR 2022 YOU CAN FIND IT HERE:Remote Consultations: Do they reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions? Your Guide to Calculating the Answer…