This project carried out by University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trustaimsto improve patient outcome by considering the current role of patients in ophthalmic research and their influence…
As service providers, NHS Grampian and its Glaucoma Laser Clinic have worked to refine their referral processing procedures through enhanced case finding. Enhanced case finding is a known method used…
Have you read this piece by Carrie Rich, J. Knox Singleton and Seema S. Wadhwa?
“The importance of educating current healthcare leaders about sustainability should not be underestimated. For many…
Emergency Eye Care is widely used in the UK and understanding more about the processes involved in care delivery can be beneficial toward improving workflow and appropriately allocating…
The article "Reducing the environmental impact of cataract surgery: Sustainability versus safety: A tradeoff?"published by Dr. Nick Mamalis (University of Utah, USA) discusses the evidence available…
Submit an abstract for the 2019 RCOphth Annual Congress. Prize awards include The Royal College of Ophthalmology/ Bausch and Lomb Sustainability Prize.
A prize for sustainability of £200 will be…
This week’s highlight project is the Virtual Glaucoma Surveillance Clinic carried out by the Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust. This project offers a unique approach to curbing the high demand for…
Due to increases in the demand forophthalmology services,providers have been overburdened with referrals. Understanding how referral networks currentlywork can be an important tool toward reducing…
The journal Resources, Conservation and Recycling is lookingfor original papers (research, case studies, review articles) on sustainable healthcare, to be submitted before June 1, 2019. For more…
"As clinicians we are taught to value evidence based interventions that benefit health and wellbeing. We look for the causes of disease and aim to change behaviour to improve outcomes. We have a…