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Showing 1331 - 1340 of 2216 results

"From global to local - the relationship between global climate and regional warming" - Talk in Oxford

Created on
3 May 2019
Jack Williams
From the event's website: Professor David Battisti,The Tamaki Endowed Chair of Atmospheric Sciences,will be talking about global climate sensitivity controlling regional warming uncertaintyand its…

HEART: a student-led initiative to include climate change into medical school curricula

Created on
2 May 2019
Jack Williams
HEART (Health and Environment Adaptive Task force) is an organisation established to raise awareness of, and create curricula to address, climate change in Canadian medical schools that could be of…

Climate advocacy networking

Created on
2 May 2019
Frances Mortimer
Doctors and all health professionals are highly respected. Many of us therefore feel that we should use our position to speak out and make sure that people know about the climate emergency and the…

Resolution on integrating climate and environmental health into medical education in the US

Created on
1 May 2019
Sarah Walpole
Illinois State Medical Society have accepted a resolution to integrate climate and environmental health into medical…

PVC recycling scheme

Created on
29 Apr 2019
lydia Howells
Hello! I am a Deputy Charge Nurse of a Recovery Unit in Scotland I am about 2 months into a Q.I project of reducing our clinical waste by maximising correct waste segregation procedures. I am also…

Anyone going to ASME 2019?

Created on
29 Apr 2019
Frances Mortimer
Hi, is anyone on SHE planning to be at the ASME conference in Glasgow in July? It would be good to link up. Best wishes, Frances

Inhalers in primary care

Created on
26 Apr 2019
Deana Gershuny
Hi all, I'm carrying out a QI project at a GP practice in Kent piloting the use of the new decision aid to see what impact it has on inhaler prescribing and DPI:MDI ratio. I'll be collecting…

Green prescribing

Created on
23 Apr 2019
Admin *
The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare, we’ve been working with the University of Sheffield on the IWUN project, Valuing Urban Nature. Our role has been to translate the research outputs into something…

US medical student editorial on climate change in the curriculum

Created on
17 Apr 2019
Stefi Barna
"There are at least three major ways that climate change will affect the practice of medicine and for which medical education must prepare future physicians." Medical schools must prepare…