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Showing 2231 - 2240 of 2279 results

The Nipper Mountain

Created on
27 Nov 2009
Frances Mortimer
Prion risk: where do we draw the line? Millions of nail clippers are incinerated every year across the NHS, as a result of policies to manage the theoretical risk of vCJD, according to an article by…
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Making Connections - The Growing Green 'web' of OT

Created on
27 Oct 2009
Tamara Rayment
Hi Everyone Just a few updates on the Green OT project and some items of interest I hope! And a picture of a beautiful spider web in my urban garden! COT update Julia Scott, CEO of the COT, has…

The importance of a book

Created on
15 Oct 2009
Frances Mortimer
Last week saw the launch of the first book knitting together the two fields of sustainable development and health care. Each chapter of the Health Practitioner's Guide to Climate Change has been…