Hello, It's Hattie from the NHS Forest here! reminding you that there are a little over three weeks left to apply for trees to plant this season. Apply now to avoid disappointment and to get those…
The evaluation of iSIMPATHY, a Scottish Government led EU funded cross border project supporting people taking multiple medicines has been released.
The report highlights how the project improved…
See below link- consultation on future of Quality Outcomes Frameworks and Impact and Investment Fund that can have a very significant impact on GP/PCN funding. Open till 7th March. One question stem…
1. The University of Reading – bringing sustainability to education: NET ZERO BY 2030?
The University of Reading has made a 61% reduction in carbon emissions since 2008-09, our baseline…
The recording of the 15th Nov Pharmacy SusNet event is now available on the CSH YouTube channel here -Pharmacy Susnet : Climate Change as a risk to respiratory health - the greener agenda…
I would love to hear of any tools or methodologies that people know of (from within or outside of health) that support hospitals to make changes to benefit the environment, patients and the…
Funding available for West Midlands charities working to "support communities in delivering initiatives that improve the environment and people’s lives".Find out more info at their…
The newUK Tree Equity Scoretool has launched. The tool is a collaboration betweenAmerican Forests, the US non-profit organisation that created Tree Equity Score, theWoodland Trustand theCentre for…
"The veterinary profession has a mental health and wellbeing problem. The sector can see how green spaces in working environments and structured activities in nature can help improve the wellbeing of…
Opportunity for Practice Staff inCoventry and Warwickshire ICB,
Birmingham and Solihull ICB,andSouth Yorkshire ICBto take part
in a brief 5-minute online survey about how their practice is…